This blog serves as an inspirational and entertaining progress report on my seemingly never-ending journey to 200 pounds.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mini-Update for May...

I've been short on time lately, and with the half marathon fast approaching, my schedule has been filled with hard training and sound sleeping.

My weight isn't really dropping at a rate that I approve of, but it IS dropping. I've remained disciplined with my eating and workouts, hopefully culminating with a successful 21km run on the 21st of June. My longest run was 15kms last weekend, and that was in a less than ideal situation. I think after this weekend I should be well-prepped and ready to go. Feeling confident.

Long story made short, everything has been going as planned, but I'd still like to see a greater drop in weight over a 4-week span. My 3-month WW membership expires at the end of the month, and I don't think I'll be renewing. We'll see how the summer goes on my own, I may be back for a tune-up in Autumn.

"Mini-update" indeed. Nothing news-worthy, but I still felt inclined to share what little I did have.

Reasonable portions make for reasonable waistlines!

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