Day 3 began similarly to the few that have preceded it. Get up, get clean, step on scale. Still heading in the right direction. Every day seems to provide a new story to tell, and this day is no different.
Around 9am, my wife sends me an e-mail, entitled "Good Morning, or is it?", and my heart sank a little. She always seems to be afflicted with more aches and pains than the average person should be known to bear, and I assumed that she was again in her own personal agony. Poor girl. Well, I open the message, and I discover that she's feeling fine. Well, sort of. She had stepped on the scale shortly after I left for work, and was none too pleased with the number staring back at her. Another milestone was reached in our home, one that couldn't have come at a better time, at least in my opinion. It appears my own personal revelations, coupled with her new personal benchmark, have put her gears in motion. I finish the e-mail with a broad smile on my face. Actions apparently DO speak louder than words, and I'm completely pumped about it. Chest-puffed, shoulders back, standing proud. We're going to do this together, for both of us.
Let's go back a few days. While I was at the store buying my latest pair of pants, I stopped to chat with someone I hadn't seen in some time. All the while, I was holding said pants in my hands. Now I don't need to tell you that these pants were big. Big brown pants. I was fully participating in the conversation, but at the back of my mind was lingering doubts and pangs of self-consciousness. Without getting deep into an internal monologue here, I was analyzing if he noticed how much weight I'd packed on since our last encounter, how truly mammoth these pants were, and constantly checking his line of sight to see if he's taking a mental note of any of my physical features that may be offensive. Man-boobs come to mind. Moobs. I've got them, and it's not pleasant. They are perkier than most, not quite as womanly as some, but they are there, and I know it. He knows it. I also know that he could truly care less about my physical appearance at this moment, we're busy catching up on years gone by. But I still think about it. We part ways, exchange e-mails, all is well for the moment. Oh no. Someone else is approaching me with an outstretched hand and warm smile. What do I do? I could run, but that would only draw attention. Conversation initiated, no backing out now. Lather, rinse, repeat. "Hey, hey! I'm up here, buddy. Eyes forward."
Now that may seem a little extreme, but that's how my mind can work, and I doubt I'm the only one. I see it all the time. Larger people wearing larger clothes that still cling to every bump, curve and nook. Blousing out the bottom of your shirt every 5 minutes to get that fabric off of your skin, providing a split-second of relief from the self-consciousness stemming from being this monstrous. I know the feelings, they are some with which I am far too familiar.
The remainder of Day 3 was very pleasant indeed. Training went well, improving yet again over the previous days numbers (2miles/30:00, 150 crunches, 30 push-ups, 20 dips). I also stayed honest with myself and kept the eating under control. It truly is a daily struggle. Temptation is a foul beast with which I will forever battle. Each day, each moment, can be a skirmish unto itself, but it is the WAR with which I strive to emerge the victor. Day 3 is complete; well-fought and victorious I stand. But the challenges of Day 4 are mere hours away...
This blog serves as an inspirational and entertaining progress report on my seemingly never-ending journey to 200 pounds.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Day 3 - Revelation, Inspiration, and Inner Demons
Posted by
10:02 AM
Labels: man-boobs, self-consciousness, wife's revelation
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I only wish I didn't know what you where referring to when you talk about moobs or even the blousing technique all we overweight people use.
I'm loving the blog so far Trev. Keep it up. By writing about your day to day activities I think you help to hold yourself accountable.
At the same time, your entertaining the rest of us. It's well written and humorous. It's only a few days in and I can't wait to read the update when I get home from work.
Moobs be Gone!
I don't get how you can do that amount of exercise. Really, I couldn't do half of that, even though you're just starting and improving by the day. And reducing weight? I once did an exercise program for one month and refused to check my weight until the end of the month. I did 6 days a week, and missed 1 day out of the month. This was from no exercise at all. And I didn't lose even 1 pound!
Even though I was disappointed with the scale, I still felt much better physically and mentally. So atleast that was comforting.
You go man, whatever you're doing seems to work for you, keep up with it. But if I were you, I'd stay away from that Slurpee... not so much because of weight gain, but just the mind war against that thing. You have to beat it to a pulp, so to speak, and once your mind rules over it's matter, then slurp away!
As excited as I was to read your daily progress, the visual description of your ManBoobs was enough to help me lose my appetite.
Once I managed to swallow the bile I puked up, I read on, pleased to see progress.
Keep going,
Food is for the weak!!!!
Hey dude this is very cool. Just checking it out for the first time today and I'm quite impressed. I know I don't look it but I've gained what I consider a lot of weight for my body type over the last 2 years. Most would call it a beer gut, and I hate it. I've had to get bigger pants, and surf shorts that I bought last year didn't fit this year. Bla bla bla.... anyway I think I will join your crusade and start my own weight loss. Dawn and I start wall climbing lessons next Wednesday so that will be my start day.
Good luck man and I look forward to fallowing your blog.
I don't know you at all but I admire what you are doing. No matter what size/weight you are I am a bug believer that if you don't like something CHANGE IT and that is exactly what you are doing...
I have a tip for you in the eating department. Try a salad at lunch made up of all vegetables, anything you can find, 1 tbsp. of dressing, 4 oz of chicken and a little cheese. This actually helps keep me quite full for a long time as the chicken packs a lot of protein.
I found that I was getting hungry and eating crappy foods around 4:00 in the afternoon and now I don;t have to. I also have a lot more energy than I used to.
Keep up the great work and I am going to follow your story and cheer you on... even though as I said before I have no idea who you are.
Good lUck and keep going! See you at the marathon in June.
I think you have hacked into my own personal thoughts. As of right now I am 293 lbs. or something, when I met my husband I was 163... it is a painful self destructive road I am on. I hope that I too can get the determination back that I once had like you and get off my ass and kiss it good bye! For good. Keep it up, I will be reading as you go, and perhaps joining in as well.
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