Friday. If I had to choose a day over any other, I may choose Friday. Sure you've got to go to work, but usually the people there are at their happiest. Regardless of season, Friday brings a sort of emotional inebriation that is highly contagious and briskly distributed. You may now be asking yourself, "What about Saturday?", and to that, I give you this. Long lines and lack of service at your local home improvement depot, yard work in the stifling summer heat, fixing that leaky faucet that's costing you 4 litres of water per day, finishing the deck before the snow hits, shoulder to shoulder crowds at the big discount store, and screaming kids throwing tantrums as their parent(s) try on clothes that are two sizes too small. Don't get me wrong, my Saturday's can also consist of beautiful long walks, bike rides, and general tomfoolery, but you get the idea. That could be the summary of the average person's Saturday, and I'm sure you have experienced one or more of those mind-numbing incidents on a Saturday afternoon. But we're talking about Friday, here. The scale was once again kind to me this morning, still heading in the right direction, and it has me feeling good. Though I realize that by weighing myself on a daily basis, I'm setting myself up for a bit of a let down in the future. The plateau is coming, but I'm ready for it this time. My weight has been known to fluctuate quite a lot over a short period of time, especially over the weekend.
Ah the weekend. Contrary to my previous statements, I really do enjoy it. Most of those negative situations are easily avoided, anyway, but how could I call my story "entertaining" without some entertainment? Each Friday brings so many possibilities for adventure and enjoyment, but up to now it would likely involve me quaffing ungodly amounts of gin with my friends. Alcohol has been major player my life, and I've had to exorcise many personal demons because of it. In my earlier years I would definitely state that my use was habitual, easily explained away by the fact that I was young, inexperienced, and rather dim. As I've grown older and wiser, the gin was always something that remained a constant player, but it's volatile nature would sometimes remind me to cool it every so often. For this personal challenge, I'm cutting gin out completely. I would be foolish to say that I'll never enjoy another ever again, but this is one of the components of my diet I will be much better off without for the months to come. Regardless of how focused and diligent I would have been with my eating and exercise during the week, by the time Friday rolled around and I've had 1 or 2 gin and juice beverages, it would be late in the evening and I'd be hungry again. Of course I'd be hungry. By this time during the week I'd be fast asleep, but it's Friday, I'm up late, and I want food. And of course, having my inhibitions lowered, I would succumb to my urges. Ruining all of my hard work in one moment of weakness. Not this time.
On the evening of Day 5, my wife, brother and I took in a concert. Afterwards, we all headed back to our house, where my brother had said he wouldn't mind coming in for a bit, and my wife was heading off to bed. My bro and I playing video games late into the evening is something I certainly cherish from our childhood together, and I'm very glad when we're able to get together and keep the legacy alive. He requests a stop at the local convenience store for supplies. This is again where I must show some restraint. Normally, our evenings together would require an over-saturation of sugar. It is an unspoken requirement that Slurpees are consumed at the very least, however, tonight I've got a different plan. So he emerges from the aluminum-framed, brazenly over-lit gates with his standard booty, but a lack of Slurpee is noticeable. I can only assume, as he is a man of very few words, that he didn't want to escalate the temptation for me in these early days of my quest. And I love him for it. As we get back home, I kiss my wife goodnight, and giddily head to the basement. Ah yes, my plan. I had yet to perform my daily training, so I looked to incorporate it into our video game evening. It worked out quite well, wireless controllers are just a fantastic innovation. Though I did have quite a surreal moment while bouncing around on the treadmill. And I'm not picking on my brother in this instance, it was just an uncanny moment. We were both playing games together, just like it always was, but it was as though I was watching MYSELF sitting on the couch ingesting these unearthly amounts of sugar. Almost a revelation within a revelation. Two huge "energy" drinks, a fistful of Bottle Caps candy, and icing-filled licorice, "They're called Livewire", he tells me. It really puts into perspective what it is I'm trying to accomplish. Not just to lose weight, but to change how I approach food, and food-shaped items. Everything that's being sold as "food" is not so much so, and I, as a problematic over-eater, have to recognize what is fuel for my body, and what is just flat out rubbish. I'm going Slurpee-free this weekend. Another step in the right direction.
Nothing monumental on the workout front for Day 5, (2.5miles/36:00, 200/30/30), an extra minute on the run isn't a big deal, I seemed to be sweating a lot more this time as it is. The first third of the weekend can be deemed a success, unfortunately there's two thirds yet to come. And the next segment will take place at my beloved In-Laws, where edibles are always in endless supply. What follows will be hopefully be a testament to portion control and pure will. "Have strength.", I tell myself.
This blog serves as an inspirational and entertaining progress report on my seemingly never-ending journey to 200 pounds.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Day 5 - The Weekend Begins and Late Night Phantasmagoria
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11:33 AM
Labels: gin, Saturdays, sugar addict
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YAY first comment. I promise not to tempt you with Slurpees Trev.
Weekends are the bane of all fatties when they are trying to lose weight. I can go all week eating well and as soon as the end of the work day comes about it's gluttony time. It's like there is some sort of program which gets triggered every Friday at 4:o0 pm.
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