This blog serves as an inspirational and entertaining progress report on my seemingly never-ending journey to 200 pounds.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well, I knew someone would bust me for not updating, and the fact is, I'm truly embarrassed to reveal my current status.

I'm nearly back to where I started, weight-wise. Yet again the cycle is complete. Almost a full year gone by with nothing but a fistful of "experience" to show for it.

I haven't the time or patience to continue to update this blog at this point in time, but if you want to be put on a mailing list to be notified when I actually get myself back in gear and start up the blog again (hopefully sooner than later) feel free to drop me a line at:

My life has gotten a little overwhelming over the past month, and once I'm in the clear, I'd love to start writing again. I haven't lost hope, but I'm definitely not feeling too positive at the moment...

Stay tuned, keep in touch, and thanks for reading.


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